Polka Scene 'Zine was once a photocopied zine ...
things have changed and the fun continues ...
PolkaSceneZine is now a photo flurry of
The Polkaholics and their fabulous fans!

OK class, History of PolkaSceneZine is about to begin:
Ths original, Polka Scene 'Zine, featured:
In-depth polka cover stories by Dandy Don Hedeker of The Polkaholics
The Polka Dope by Dandy Don
Polka Fiction (Detective Kowolski) by Rob Alletto
Chester Polyester (Smooth Operator Advice)
Julida (Fashion and Beauty Advice)
Polka Poetry by Charles Keil
Polkarazzi Centerfold (photos!)
Polka Time Management (short reviews)
Litter Box Review (his & her club/bar bathroom reviews)
Beerside Polkastologer
Fannie's Polka Craft Corner
Polka Puzzles
Polka Q & A
and other fun filled reads
It actually received some pretty good reviews:
"Polkaddicted: I'm not sure how this polka resurgence took hold, and I'm not sure I want to know...a hilarious read front to back, and the snappy eight-page format ensures it won't sit around the house waiting to be perused before it hits the recycling bin." -- D. Chamberlain, New City (10/8/99)
"We know your dirty little secret, what you've got hiding in the back of your closet, underneath your pile of dirty T-shirts and thrift store pants...a box of polka records. Come on out of the closet and subsribe to the Polka Scene 'Zine. You'll learn all about polka players past and present and how you can relate polka to anything (like beer, movies, fashion)...also polka-inspired cop fiction." -- Jerianne, a Reader's Guide to the Underground Press ('99)
"The zine is far from being simply a Polkaholics advertisement ... it includes articles on polka history, polka fiction (noir-ish detective stories, each one inspired by a different polka) and all kinds of fun, polka-related stuff. Both the band and the zine are stimulating contributions to Chicago's varied and active polka community." --Rich Wilhelm, Cool and Strange Music Magazine (#14)
"If you're Livin' La Vida Loca Polka, then...Polka Scene 'Zine, dedicated to the latest polka news, acts, venues and radio stations in the greater Chicago area, is sure to make you more loco. The zine includes such regular columns as Polka Fiction and Chester Polyester: The Polka Playboy..." -- Katie DuMont, Writer's Digest (5/00)
That's all we'll cover today. There will be a quiz tomorrow. :)